the chicago white sox
coldhardfacts 37 days ago
You could name your baseball team anything you wanted and 2 of the teams chose to name themselves after socks
coldhardfacts 37 days ago
I would call the police because I'm not a professional baseball player so if I'm in that situation then I'm probably under attack
XsnailsX 36 days ago
sports? haha, only the jocks watch sports, we shall play a merry prank on them, spies, we shall pretend to be the jocks during halloween, we shall wear the same costume they are supposed to wear and, without removing it, fornicate with their spouses when they enter the funhouse, it will be a kid's movie, everyone will love this wholesome adventure
Bortslob 36 days ago
I'm surprised the liberals haven't forced them to take "white" out of the team name
lordzedd 36 days ago
I drank sum beer and did not tune in to a baseball game. However I will drink sum beers and run sum MLB the show. Playing baseball is so much better then watching....