Hey lurk
Zortslob 73 days ago
Why don't you take down that terrorist supporting antisemitic scowl/Zulu footage on the front page, you f*cking pussy
kort 73 days ago
a) lurk doesn't control lambgoat
b) even if he did, he doesn't know how to read
c) if he could read and understand world events he would know supporting palestine isn't antisemitic
kort 72 days ago
rick____tocchet 15 minutes ago
IMO the entire middle east needs to be erased off the planet.
only took you two posts for the actual antisemitism to come out
AnalButt 72 days ago
Can we just stop sending a portion of everyone's paychecks to countries when we are trillions of dollars in "debt"? I get the political want to but at some point this needs to stop. Unfortunately "let them handle it" is clouded by our involvement
AnalButt 72 days ago
I feel like an old man, which I am, but come one man. Stop wasting my money on stupid shit. End the patriot act, stop paying public officials a salary(especially a lifetime pension), end the drug war and leave me the f*ck alone.