As some users have pointed out.
straightedgehack 110 days ago
I called you out when you were pretending to be a black metal try hard when you first started posting as ShadowBlade. And, that username is so unremarkable no one would even think twice about mentioning it.
Except you. Because you are Trind. This isn't rocket science.
straightedgehack 110 days ago
You aren't just gonna sweep that shit under the rug and expect everyone to forget you are still a retarded idiot.
Thickstick 110 days ago
everyone just take a big rip of your favorite drug and calm down. Or if your mom is just being a pain this am since you haven't cleaned your room then GODDAMN clean it
Sortblob 110 days ago
Lurk can confirm I am not trind. I argued with his gay ass shadow blade character A LOT. I'm the original rick stalker/Adonis copy paster dude.
I also tricked you f*ckers into thinking I was d0t too.
Also, trind is an extreme rightwing crazy. I made this gimmick to make fun of bortslob, who is also a right wing crazy. Trind thinks fascism is on the left of the political science spectrum. He's a f*cking moron.
Inkongudunk 110 days ago
1. Constantly crying about others
2. Incoherent but tries to sound smart
3. Obsessed with calling things gay/cuck
4. Referencing his other usernames no one cares about
100% trind
Inkongudunk 110 days ago
Trind never understood that.
Calling someone "dothack" means they are a loser. Not that it's actually the same guy. But hey. That's autism for ya
Inkongudunk 110 days ago
I'm sure calling someone a kort, or even a celine, probably have their own uniquely insulting characteristics