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Inkongudunk 3/28/2023 6:36:17 PM
Harmless, right?

B__DAWG 3/28/2023 6:41:37 PM
you dont like trans? .

jimbo 3/28/2023 6:43:14 PM
that Nashville PD body cam footage was intense.

nothinlefttogive 3/28/2023 7:34:45 PM
I forget, what are your pronouns again?

PenicillinTrapdoor 3/29/2023 5:50:08 AM
it's totally harmless because it's not called ANGRY WHITE MALES. come on guys. you get it.

PoultryInMotion 3/29/2023 6:19:06 AM
When I was a kid, my dad was listening to Rush Limbaugh in the car, and dude said the operation to change from a woman to a man is called an "addadictame". i still use this joke.

PhilPhantom 3/29/2023 6:30:00 AM
surely it was "addadictomy" ya fuk

PhilPhantom 3/29/2023 6:33:39 AM
thread bad, forum bad, rip lambgoat

Inkongudunk 3/29/2023 6:37:00 AM
^^ groomer spotted

AnalButt 3/29/2023 7:29:20 AM
Closing the mental asylums turned out to be a bad thing.

Better_than_You 3/29/2023 12:07:36 PM
Justified! They/Them are just defending themselves against genocide

Inkongudunk 3/29/2023 1:00:18 PM
Yawn, your gimmick is boring

B__DAWG 3/29/2023 3:49:23 PM
what is a TERF and why is everyone so mad at them?

Inkongudunk 3/29/2023 4:44:33 PM
A terf is a feminist who doesn't accept men in wigs as ladies

Inkongudunk 3/29/2023 4:46:11 PM
Imagine fighting for hundreds of years for equality then some guy in a wig and a dress is like YEAH, AND IM A LADY TOO!