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Decibel's top 40 albums of 2022

Conduit 11/10/2022 12:29:32 PM
40. Temple of Void, Summoning the Slayer, Relapse 39. Gaerea, Mirage, Season of Mist 38. Sigh, Shiki, Peaceville 37. Still/Form, From the Rot Is a Gift, Hex 36. Midnight, Let There Be Witchery, Metal Blade 35. Doldrum, The Knocking, or the Story of the Sound That Preceded Their Disappearance, Katafalque 34. Amorphis, Halo, Atomic Fire 33. Imperial Triumphant, Spirit of Ecstasy, Century Media 32. Black Anvil, Regenesis, Season of Mist 31. Municipal Waste, Electrified Brain, Nuclear Blast 30. Castrator, Defiled in Oblivion, Dark Descent 29. Daeva, Through Sheer Will and Black Magic…, 20 Buck Spin 28. Ripped to Shreds, 劇變 (Jubian), Relapse 27. Mother of Graves, Where the Shadows Adorn, Wise Blood 26. Eight Bells, Legacy of Ruin, Prophecy 25. Tzompantli, Tlazcaltiliztli, 20 Buck Spin 24. SpiritWorld, Deathwestern, Century Media 23. Escuela Grind, Memory Theater, MNRK 22. Vanum, Legend, Profound Lore 21. Satan, Earth Infernal, Metal Blade 20. Mizmor + Thou, Myopia, Gilead Media 19. Dream Unending, Song of Salvation, 20 Buck Spin 18. Phobophilic, Enveloping Absurdity, Prosthetic 17. Negative Plane, The Pact…, The Ajna Offensive 16. Sumerlands, Dreamkiller, Relapse 15. Terror, Pain Into Power, Pure Noise 14. Voivod, Syncro Anarchy, Century Media 13. Chat Pile, God's Country, The Flenser 12. Wake, Thought Form Descent, Metal Blade 11. Oceans of Slumber, Starlight and Ash, Century Media 10. Mortuous, Upon Desolation, Carbonized 9. KEN mode, Null, Artoffact 8. Kreator, Hate Über Alles, Nuclear Blast 7. Nechochwen, Kanawha Black, Bindrune 6. Soul Glo, Diaspora Problems, Epitaph 5. Immolation, Acts of God, Nuclear Blast 4. Blackbraid, Blackbraid I, self-released 3. Sonja, Loud Arriver, Cruz Del Sur 2. Cave In, Heavy Pendulum, Relapse 1. Undeath, It's Time… to Rise from the Grave, Prosthetic

B__DAWG 11/10/2022 12:43:04 PM
That KEN mode band is shitty. What a crappy list for idiots

B__DAWG 11/10/2022 12:43:23 PM
It's also early november

simon_belmont 11/10/2022 12:45:56 PM
Imperial Triumphant kind of suck. And I like stupid stuff like that.

B__DAWG 11/10/2022 12:49:23 PM
I have little interest in them either. Eight bells, satan, voivod and negative plane were good. Why is that crappy kreator album 8? Why is that stinky cave in album 2???

simon_belmont 11/10/2022 12:49:59 PM
Hey that Cave In is good. That got that one right.

simon_belmont 11/10/2022 12:50:52 PM
That Sumerlands is cool but it's one of those things that'll lose its appeal in about a month. Kind of gimmicky

Bortslob 11/10/2022 12:54:36 PM
Never heard of any of those bands

B__DAWG 11/10/2022 12:59:41 PM
what kind of dork makes lists anyways?

B__DAWG 11/10/2022 1:04:33 PM
it's a pretty good list, i guess. who knows

NorthFromHere 11/10/2022 1:05:56 PM
Cave In album is 20 minutes too long but along with Immolation still better than most of the crap at the top. Undeath? Soul Glo? Blackbraid, Ken Mode? This publication has to be political.

B__DAWG 11/10/2022 1:06:40 PM
i liked a couple soul glo songs. i don't think i need to listen to their new album though

easyhateoven 11/10/2022 1:34:09 PM
dumb list. undeath sucks

B__DAWG 11/10/2022 1:35:45 PM
i don't know them

Conduit 11/10/2022 1:56:53 PM
Decibel are always first to publish and it's always one of the shittier lists.