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People I've ran off the Lambgoat

starship 8/5/2022 7:32:50 PM
For being stupid bitches: Inkongoisuckylongtimeblkdongo _dickhAT_ Shoailinsheepf*cker There's more but I can't reveal that right yet.

Inkongudunk 8/5/2022 9:30:37 PM
Yep, I'm definitely not here...

withdeadhandsrising 8/6/2022 7:06:26 AM
withdeadhandsrising 0 seconds ago gimmick

starship 8/6/2022 1:23:52 PM
Boo hoo keep crying about it ho

p@ 8/6/2022 5:35:20 PM
Repulsion =/= run off

starship 8/6/2022 5:38:26 PM
Good repulsing queers is fun douchenozzle

Inkongudunk 8/6/2022 6:26:12 PM
No one cares about the homobphobia now, bud Lurk said he isn't enforcing those type of rules Type until your heart is content

starship 8/6/2022 7:16:09 PM
I have nothing against anyone. All I'm doing is honoring the will of Lambgoat. The queers have gotta go. Lurk is no webmaster at least not yet. I can't stand to see people suck his dick here like the board is their reserved suite. At least webby didn't try to flex with his rad and awesome administration privileges. I'll be sure to stay in my lane or else you'll put me in a timeout.. wat a dumdum

withdeadhandsrising 8/6/2022 7:20:16 PM
trind is a gimmick.

starship 8/6/2022 7:25:53 PM
Don't wanna you know, and u definitely don't know who I am. I bet it smells like a dog shit in your mouth when your speak

withdeadhandsrising 8/6/2022 7:44:27 PM
i know. have fun when this all unravels and you have nothing left, pal.

starship 8/6/2022 7:47:14 PM
Ok pussy sounds good

lake_flaccid 8/6/2022 10:33:13 PM
lol at this idiot, too little too late you're the only one still trying, kinda makes you the bitch doesn't it