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Dave Must Stain reveals title of new megadump

Portslob 7/26/2021 10:19:04 AM
Album ..The Strain, The Crying and The Bled

ShaolinLambKiller 7/26/2021 10:19:54 AM
just as good as I could hope for.

explosions_in_this_guy 7/26/2021 10:25:01 AM
Crave Mudstain

Portslob 7/26/2021 10:27:39 AM
I should have left this to the experts

explosions_in_this_guy 7/26/2021 10:28:28 AM
Megadump - Countdown to Astinkchunk

Portslob 7/26/2021 10:30:54 AM
f*cking lol

explosions_in_this_guy 7/26/2021 10:32:50 AM

Ash_Ketchum 7/26/2021 11:47:47 AM
Dan Mustangs

carveyournamein 7/26/2021 5:45:00 PM
I remember liking Megadeth.

kort 36 days ago
lol thread