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Iced Earth guitarist has feces thrown at him in jail

Godfreyjones 7/25/2021 8:56:33 PM
Lol https://www.thedailybeast.com/lawyer-says-iced-earth-guitarist-jon-schaffer-had-feces-urine-thrown-at-him-in-indiana-jail

nothinlefttogive 7/25/2021 9:15:01 PM
Woof! Lol!

united_ninety_three 7/25/2021 9:27:09 PM
Guess he had a shitty time in there

gaseousclay 7/25/2021 9:57:28 PM

Barbara 7/25/2021 10:05:52 PM
Couldn't handle 2 months, good luck if/when he gets his actual sentence

Pilgrim 7/26/2021 3:27:00 AM
Lol Also stupid press release. No one gives a shit about this stubbed toe

Jemenez_Cricket 7/26/2021 8:40:19 AM

theocean 7/26/2021 8:44:55 AM
bite it you scum

explosions_in_this_guy 7/26/2021 10:16:59 AM
did it go in his mouth?

carveyournamein 7/10/2022 4:26:37 PM

PenicillinTrapdoor 7/10/2022 4:27:36 PM

TheMoustacheMassacre 7/10/2022 7:00:36 PM
lol. I remember when I was in, some big mexican guy used bible pages as toilet paper because there was none, and it clogged the toilet and stunk so bad. Nobody threw any though.

vagisilcreem 7/10/2022 7:01:29 PM
lol what were you in for, if you dont mind me asking?

TheMoustacheMassacre 7/10/2022 7:02:39 PM
Just stupid alcohol related charges. I was just in for a weekend.

vagisilcreem 7/10/2022 7:03:49 PM
weak. jail seems really not very posi IMHO.