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going straight edge

Zordon 6/20/2022 3:30:10 PM
you ever think about doing this?

carveyournamein 6/20/2022 3:31:42 PM
I am straight edge. You ever try the healing dance?

Zordon 6/20/2022 3:33:28 PM
i still do caffeine i think i might be addicted but im going to quit

_d0thack_ 6/20/2022 3:41:11 PM
no. but even if i did abstain from drugs/alcohol, i wouldn't be claiming it.

RudeBoy 6/20/2022 4:55:43 PM
Don't all straight edge kids drink soda? And then old straight edge dudes drink coffee.

Barbara 6/20/2022 5:05:26 PM
Shut the f*ck up, all of you