you ever think about going to saudi arabia?
B__DAWG 6/2/2022 5:32:03 PM
i do wann a go to Beirut though. this lebanese guy was telling me about it
Portslob 6/2/2022 7:59:03 PM
Been. They hate women and Americans.
And they're all 5foot 3. So I was fine
Portslob 6/2/2022 8:02:47 PM
f*ck those c*nts.
f*ck Dubai and the UAB too. It was created by Saudi oil princes who didn't want to live by the same rules they enforce in Saudi Arabia.
f*cking hypocrite c*nts. Everyone from that region..
And Biden begs them for money and oil
Portslob 6/2/2022 8:03:44 PM
B__DAWG 2 minutes ago
did you do the pilgrimage?
No, I just like going places they tell me I can't
B__DAWG 6/2/2022 8:07:05 PM
you can slam beers in Beirut though. and wear shorts. i'm real into beirut right now