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A former friend on social media - "I'm so sick of being alive"

dog_boner 4/13/2022 3:06:09 PM
- 33 years old - has never had a job - lives with parents - has a retarded kid - does nothing but get f*cked up and watch tv - lets his fingernails grow out over an inch, a total slob He posts this shit constantly, alongside left wing "I deserve money for nothing" drivel, so I told him to get off his ass and do something with his life other than being a professional parasite Immediately blocked. lol

jimbo 4/13/2022 3:07:32 PM
social media is cancer

ej 4/13/2022 3:08:11 PM
would you rather be him or the 31 year old guy that has been kicked out of every local band for being a general scum bag and keeps posting old clips of sets saying "man, wish we could get the guys back together" tagging them.

dog_boner 4/13/2022 3:08:37 PM
For sure. I use it for business purposes, and that's it.

dog_boner 4/13/2022 3:09:55 PM
lol, ej that's almost all of my old friends. they all have illustrious careers in the food and beverage industry

ej 4/13/2022 3:12:11 PM
lol this guy does plowing, and not the fun kind. i have no clue what he does in the summer

heatercornman 4/13/2022 3:38:11 PM
ej I would read your self help book, not that i'd need it, but it would be a great read

carveyournamein 4/13/2022 3:38:18 PM
Maybe he needs someone to give him a job. Did you ever ask him to apply?

evil_hero 4/13/2022 3:40:29 PM
jimbo 32 minutes ago social media is cancer

Inkongudunk 4/13/2022 3:40:46 PM
I don't use social media, and if someone said we should connect for business purposes via social media, I would find a different vendor

evil_hero 4/13/2022 3:42:14 PM
ej 32 minutes ago would you rather be him or the 31 year old guy that has been kicked out of every local band for being a general scum bag and keeps posting old clips of sets saying "man, wish we could get the guys back together" tagging them. before i deleted my facebook i used to seriously rofl at his "reliving the past" posts about the one show his band played outside of his home state back in 2003

RAGINGFUCKMAN 4/13/2022 3:43:45 PM
lifes tough when you're a lush

heatercornman 4/13/2022 3:45:36 PM
hey inkongudunk, lambgoat forum is social media, just it doesn't have a popularity contest with votes or dislikes or whatever and it isn't heavily picture based , whatever social media is fin when its text based and anonymous, there is no name recognition behind any post

ej 4/13/2022 3:50:03 PM
heatercornman 10 minutes ago ej I would read your self help book, not that i'd need it, but it would be a great read Spoiler: it wouldn't help even if you need it

heatercornman 4/13/2022 4:06:04 PM
ej doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good read, i could see it now chapter 3: the drink order section 2: vodka , men who order vodka at a hardcore show are either lifelong alcoholics looking for cheapest option to get drunk, or are new to the country eastern europeans that will talk your ear off about eastern european weaponry. Females ordering vodka at a hardcore show either walked into the wrong venue, or are black metal vocalists looking for a hoarse voice from drinking straight vodka