Divorced goats
_steelpanda_ 2/25/2022 7:57:18 PM
First one was probably close to 50k, thinking about calling attorney cost money, this one not so much, wife being reasonable so far…… but no clue yet, maybe not that much.
VodkaVeins 2/25/2022 8:07:41 PM
evil_hero 23 minutes ago
in the prison yard of lambgoat. ejs holding MY pocket trind. hes protected
Chill out, Nasty Nate. EJ and his cocktail fruit are my bitch...
carveyournamein 2/25/2022 8:54:10 PM
Marriage is a wonderful thing when it's between the right people for the right reasons. I don't see why anyone would want to add children into a marriage. Children are for people who are afraid to die alone.
_steelpanda_ 2/25/2022 8:58:27 PM
Carve with enough of goth and nuwave you listen too and your hungover post, you must have at least a youth softball team you take to school every morning.
_steelpanda_ 2/25/2022 9:19:25 PM
Was that you? Idk maybe it was someone else , but children are for people who don't want to die alone? Idk, maybe so? Never looked at it that way before? Interesting statement, definitely has my gears turning.
Inkongudunk 2/26/2022 6:37:05 AM
I can draft separation agreements. So can legalzoom. Those are easy. If the couple isn't fighting, don't pay for a lawyer to complicate things. If the couple is fighting, oof. 50k+
Inkongudunk 2/26/2022 6:39:33 AM
There was an older couple, married 25 years with adult kids. They separated but didn't want a legal divorce. So they essentially made a separation agreement contract where they agreed on housing, monthly finances, maintaining life insurance and health insurance, tax filings, cell phone plans, property distribution at death. Etc.
It was like a divorce and trust put together. Then they separated but were legally married still
nothinlefttogive 2/26/2022 6:52:00 AM
All remains to be seen. I'm figuring postnup is a best-case scenario. We don't have a lot of years in, so that's a bonus...