Suicide Silence interview
Mark: Awesome.
Mark: This one? It's been…
Alex: Three weeks.
Mark: Yeah, three weeks. And we're touring with Nile. Every night is fucking amazing.
Mark: Well, we've done a lot of them.
Alex: Deftones.
Mark: Yeah, Deftones would be sick. Behemoth would be sick. Darkest Hour again would be sick.
Mark: Yeah, in Europe. Let's see, we'll throw in Suffocation.
Mark: I call it the "Rick Rubin approach," whereas he wasn't really doing metal or anything like that – he was doing punk and hip-hop and whatever – and he does Reign in Blood. We met up with him and had some good times, and it seemed like he had an all-around good musical background.
Alex: He took a big interest in us and he worked with a lot of cool people – not only rock, but hip-hop … pretty much everything. He's a well-rounded guy with influences from everywhere.
Mark: Yep, and Dilated Peoples. I don't think he produced it, but he recorded it.
Alex: Straightforward. We wanted to capture our live energy. John said my timing wasn't bad at all, so we shot each track, like, seven times and kept the best one – the best pieces out of the best ones.
Alex: Our music's not complex to the point that we need, like, crazy timing, so we were just like "let's do what we can do live."
Mark: Debut – right. [We sold] 7100 the first week. We were on the fuckin' Billboard chart.
Alex: It's something I would have never imagined. It just goes to show that if you work hard, you achieve [success].
Alex: Well, to be a successful band, you've got to create a buzz. You've got to have kids out there wanting to see you live. And whether you're on MySpace or not, you know, your live show's always got to be there. If you're the kind of band that's not putting on a good show, kids will rather download the album than buy it at a show.
Alex: I download and I buy albums. A lot of people do. So, you figure if someone downloads it and likes it, they'll buy it.
Mark: I'll definitely download an album when it leaks and listen to it, but if it's a band I want to support, I'll definitely buy it. I've bought so many CDs numerous times. It's like, how many times have you bought Reign in Blood, you know?
Mark: It goes way back – before I was even in the band, when Nate played with Premonitions of War.
Mark: Dude, by far.
Alex: We just wanted someone with a brutal-ass voice.
Mark: Someone cool, you know? He always came out when we played Connecticut – in fact, he still does.
Alex: He's a supporter of the music.
Mark: He'll come out and he'll mosh, he'll get on stage and do guest vocals.
Alex: He's the chillest guy in the world.
Alex: He's a real-ass…
Mark: He's a fuckin' pirate!
Mark: He is a legitimate pirate.
Mark: No – he's in Since the Flood.
Mark: He's a hardcore dude, though. As much as he has that death metal-ass sound, he's into hardcore. That's his bag.
Mark: It's funny. We were actually on tour with Since the Flood when their singer quit and they were all talking about what they were going to do -- they were all talking about trying to get Nate, and they got him.
Alex: Not yet.
Mark: I dunno, it's just the same thing that's been going on. It's another way for people – or even labels – to categorize [and] help sell records.
Alex: It's what kids are naming it these days. Back then – in 2000 – they called it "metalcore" or "nu-metal." It's a name for kids that don't want to say they listen to death metal because they're not really into death metal like Nile and Suffocation. They want to say they're into metalcore, which is basically a new type of music. [If they say] "oh, I listen to metalcore," you already know what they listen to, versus a little kid saying "I listen to death metal" and someone tries to drop knowledge on him: "oh, have you ever heard of fuckin' Borknagar?" And they're like "I don't know who the fuck that is." You know what I mean? They just want to give it a title so you know what they're about. And I support it – name, or no name. Music is music.
Mark: Straight up.
Mark: I don't know. I don't know about the emotion thing.
Alex: Every [type of] music has emotion, you know? All you gotta do is read the lyrics and then you'll feel it. I assume "core" is just a cool name, and metal is what it is.
Mark: Neither.
Mark: Well, actually, death metal – I'd say death metal of the two.
Alex: Everybody in the band listens to different stuff, so when it comes out it's totally … I dunno, I guess you can call it metalcore, but we don't really have any two-step parts. To me, that's what hardcore is.
Alex: Yeah, a lot of two-step. You go to a hardcore show, you're gonna see two-step. I'm not hating on the two-step – I'm just saying.
Mark: As much as we're gonna get hated for it, I'd say we're doomy nu-metal grindcore.
Mark: I can't think of another way to sum it up. I mean, it's just low-tuned…
Alex: Anything that could be new nu-metal.
Mark: Yeah, the new nu-metal.Alex: Yeah, I guess.
Mark: I dunno.
Alex: I'm for it. There [are] a lot of suburban neighborhood areas in cities, and there are a lot of parents out there that are now more conscious of what their kids are doing. If a store like Hot Topic in your average mall can carry your CD and your merch, then why the fuck not? You have these kids that are like "hey mom – while you're at Forever 21, can I go to Hot Topic and buy the Suicide Silence CD?" It helps out – I'm not gonna hate it.
Mark: Not only that, but – fuck – if you're living in Spain or France or somewhere like that, they don't have Hot Topic. You've got to know your local scene. And, yeah, it's keeping it underground, but at the same time [Hot Topic] is taking the underground to a real general audience. In all honesty, does everyone want to be stuck in the underground for their whole life? You've got to get to the masses.
Alex: It's just helping.
Mark: I mean, I've heard complaints from people in Canada [that say] "you guys are lucky for having Hot Topic." They're reliable as far as what's going on now.
Alex: It sucks that they sell a lot of gay shit there, and a lot of corny stuff…
Alex: Yeah, exactly. It's a place where, honestly, anyone can go and find something cool. I go to Hot Topic and buy, like, Tool shirts.
Alex: Exactly – shit that I can get here versus when I have a Hot Topic card I got for my birthday. Might as well get something cool.
Mark: Greatest death metal album of all time? Sure, Covenant's great, but summing up all of death metal into one album is impossible. Because, to bring it back to the deathcore thing, [there are] so many bands [playing] death metal that someone's going to be like "oh, that's grindcore" or "that's thrash death metal." I mean, Napalm Death – is that death metal?
Mark: Yeah – it's like grindcore/thrash. But, I dunno, best death metal album…
Alex: I don't even listen to that much death metal.
Mark: Yeah, he's the least of the death metal. [Laughs] I dunno, I don't want to say anything because I don't want to get bashed for it, but … Cannibal Corpse – The Bleeding, or Suffocation – Pierced from Within.
Alex: One of my favorite albums of all time is probably Deftones – White Pony.
Alex: Also, A Perfect Circle – Mer de Noms. The first album. I keep my listening skills open. I mean, I listen to death metal – even when I'm on tour and the bands we play with are death metal. You need a break even now and then – you know, chill out to some cool grooves.
Alex: I know. We've made friends with people in bands that are the same way.
Mark: Dude, it'll break everyone's hearts, but every death metal dude goes into their fuckin' bus or van and throws on fuckin' Creedence Clearwater Revival and fuckin' passes out.
Mark: I love that dude. I mean, classic rock – that's where it's at! It's my all-time favorite genre.
Mark: My dad's a jazz guitar player, so I listen to Steely Dan and Larry Carlton.
Alex: For me, it would be The Beatles' white album.
Mark: When did Tommy come out? I'd say Tommy. I love The Who.
Mark: Man, we've got so much shit…
Alex: Basically, we're booked until next year.
Mark: Directly after this, we're doing Bamboozle in California.
Mark: Yeah, but Dillinger's playing, and we're playing right next to Dillinger, so it's like there's going to be a metal segment of the show.
Alex: And we're fans of Dillinger, too. Seeing them alone will be cool as fuck.
Mark: They're always great live. I think My Chemical Romance is headlining or some shit, but whatever. We're doing that. Two days after this tour is over, we're home for ten days, and then we're going to Europe with Parkway Drive and Bury Your Dead. Then, we're starting to write the new record. Right after that, we're doing Rockstar Mayhem with Disturbed and Slipknot.
Mark: Actually, it's gonna be sick 'cause it's, like, us and The Red Chord.
Alex: Mastodon, Walls of Jericho, Dragonforce, Machine Head.
Mark: It's not even that big of a deal. It's gonna be cool 'cause it's a bunch of badass bands in a short amount of time.
Mark: Fuck yeah! I haven't seen them yet. I'm excited!
Mark: Yeah, and there's still more shit after that we haven't announced yet.
Mark: Well, it's just going to be us going back to Europe one more time after Slipknot…
Alex: Summer Slaughter.
Mark: I think we're going to do a headliner.
Alex: In Europe.
Mark: It's not even out yet – that's why I didn't want to say anything yet.
Alex: It's still in the works. Hopefully, it does happen.
Mark: Busy, busy, busy – another headliner…
Alex: In Late December.
Mark: Yeah, I think two more US tours before the year ends, then back in the studio at probably the beginning of the year.
Mark: Satan's real.
Alex: Get the new Winds of Plague.
Mark: Oh, dude, I read the Lambgoat review on that.
Alex: Who cares? They're a hard-working band and they tour all the time and they have a good fanbase.
Mark: And they're our friends.
Alex: And they're our friends as well.
Mark: Johnny Plague. He's been Johnny Plague forever.
Alex: Well, not Plague – he's just been Johnny. He's a pretty cool guy.
Mark: He's been the same forever.
Alex: He's probably the only guy I know who was straight edge back in the day and is still straight edge.
Mark: Yeah, he's still straight edge.
Alex: And he doesn't shove it down our throat. I could smoke a cigarette next to him and he'll be chill as fuck. They're all really cool guys. I mean, we get bad reviews all the time – those are just those kids that … y'know …
Mark: It's like, they get slammed in their reviews, but they're at over 10,000 CDs [sold] already, you know? And it's the same here. So, who's reviewing this shit? Is it the kids, or is it some elite fuckin' dude who just wants to listen to Cannibal Corpse and Cryptopsy?
Alex: Go to Lambgoat.
Alex: Okay [laughs] – keep going to Lambgoat, then.
Post Commentfirst post, tlnr. Didn't these shit gays break up? if not, they will soon, hopefully..
Alright. So, you're saying it's not just the brutalness of death metal fused with the emotion of hardcore? LOf*ckINGL
so not only do they sound like tools when they make albums, but they sound like tools when they talk too.....i'm glad, symmetry is important to me
this interview sucked ass! they should of interviewed the original memebers of SS, not the 2 members that got lucky enough to tag a long with the band.
the demo was the coolest, when i was in 11th grade. the band should have stayed stupid, not gotten serious. less fun now. seeing mitch at hogues sometimes is rad though. Oh well best of luck! local success is sick.
so i should go pick up the new Winds of Plague because they are a hardworking band who tours all the time and has a good fanbase? but they're friends of yours?? why didnt you say so?? i'm running out right now to buy it!! get f*cked c*nts.
This interview really shows they are everything that is wrong with music. I love how they are like "kids" this and "kids that....simply because smelly uneducated children support this band.
Um, like, y'know, I dunno, Um, like, y'know, I dunno, Um, like, y'know, I dunno, Um, like, y'know, I dunno, Um, like, y'know, I dunno, Um, like, y'know, I dunno, Um, like, y'know, I dunno, Um, like, y'know, I dunno....
The spiny anteater's four-headed phallus had been puzzling scientists. "When we tried to collect stuff by [electrically-stimulated ejaculation] before, not only did we not get a single drop, but the whole penis swelled up to a four-headed monster that wouldn't fit the female reproductive tract, which has only two branches," says Johnston.
this interview is really embarrassing. "Mark: As much as we're gonna get hated for it, I'd say we're doomy nu-metal grindcore." speechless. they have no grasp on music or where they fit into its whole scheme (the bottom of the barrel). this band is horrible.
GODDAMNIT why would you interview such gays
actually they have sold over 36,000 copies of the cleansing to date.
It seems that lambgoat did an interview with a pack of awful gays.
wow they actually sound like real people so they're gays? get over yourselves, if you actually listened to their album you might enjoy it, if you're into heavy music.
Band f*cking sucks, winds of plague f*cking suck, not hardcore, not nu metal, they have no idea what they're talking about.
One of the worst bands that scene kids hype. I hate these turds more than terror.
f*cking pathetic... shit band, shit interview. The interviewer had a real chance to stick it to one of the bands leading this shitty Deathcore movement. This interview should have been done the way The DEP interview was done.
vocalist is one of the nicest and most genuine dudes i have ever met. i shared a much needed clove with him afterwards.
They stripped me naked had me lift my ballsack up so they could check underneath it, and then had me bend over and spread my asscheeks apart so they could look inside my jerk.
its so funny seeing people comment this interview comparing them to bands like terror and what not. this band is heavy, brutal, and has some of the best breakdowns ive heard ina long time. Good luck in the future
"best breakdowns..." i think this is what i would call an oxymoron.
This band is f*cking terrible. I saw them on the Nile tour and it was one of the worst things I've ever seen. Disgusting.
These gays dont know shit about anything. What a f*cking joke.
its so funny seeing people comment this interview comparing them to bands like terror and what not. Thats because terror is a hype band like these f*cking gays you dumb shit.
good interview, good dudes, f*ck that overweight gays on lambgoat.
"As much as we're gonna get hated for it, I'd say we're doomy nu-metal grindcore"
wow, they sound like a bunch of fruity teenagers
finally read this..both of these guys sound like tools. "yeah johnny plague..he's been johnny plague forever..well not before the band, back then he was just johnny, but hey he's cool!!" my head hurts. f*ck this gay shit.
WOW! This was a horrible interview with a horrible band.
so number of records sold negates any bad critique given to a band? does that mean numetal is actually f*cking sweet?
reclaiming the term nu-metal...i can dig it.
I guess I don't know what everyone expects to hear from bands? OH MY GOD!!! They're normal regular people!!! your all gays. you expect way too much from all these bands. and I still dont understand why its such a big deal when there are new members in a band. they're there bc the "ORIGINALS" picked em. shouldnt that be enough? You all think your so much cooler bc you listened to em before... it should be about the music and nothing else. Immature gayry. I'm totally checkin these guys out bc t
this band has no f*cking interview
I lol'd real hard after deathcore, borknagar, and the fusion of metal and hardcore were mentioned.
suicide silence is an awsome band id say there metal-core not nu-metal that like distubed and slipknot. god i hate those bands with a passion bu that just my opinion
"...little kid saying "I listen to death metal" and someone tries to drop knowledge on him: "oh, have you ever heard of f*ckin' Borknagar?" And they're like "I don't know who the f*ck that is." tries to drop knowledge tries to drop knowledge tries to drop knowledge WORST BAND OF ALL TIME IGNORANT gayS KILL YOURSELVES. jesus f*cking christ, that's just pathetic.
all of you are so dumb saying that this band sucks because they have an amazing talent that you probably dont even have talent. i cant wait for the new album to come out. everyone posting bad comments on here are all ignorant
and to all of you talking about the music genre thing, who cares! its good music just give it one SIMPLE term-"metal" not nu metal, not deathcore, grindcore... just METAL. i hate it when ppl argue over stupid things like this. and dont give these guys any shit. theyre doing an interview!if they dont have personality while doing the interview, its because theyre DOING THE INTERVIEW. stupid ppl
Fortunately, I don't think the rest of the band is this boring and stupid sounding. They have a decent sound but No Time to Bleed is nowhere as good as The Cleansing. Still Mitch is a sick vocalist.
susicide silence is one band that takes pride in offending people. they dont care about religion. they dont care what they do. there metal. everyone has their own choice and opinion in music. keep your comments to yourself. you can hate and leave comments saying they suck but there still guna keep doing what they do best whitch is writeing amazing music. smokein weed. drinking and f*cking bitches. there amazing in my eyes. mitch is f*cking sexy with the most amazing vocals ever. one guy i look u
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