BlogNovember 24, 2017 7:49 PM ET

Pay SUICIDE SILENCE $150 And You Can Be Their Roadie For One Show

With earnings from album sales continuing to decrease, particularly if one's sales have dropped precipitously, bands continue to experiment with news ways to make money. Such is the place we find Suicide Silence, who are now offering fans the opportunity to "roadie" for them for the cost of $150 per show. Purchasers are entitled to:

- work along side the crew
- sidestage for Suicide Silence
- exclusive 'Suicrew' t-shirt
- working crew laminate
- food with the crew
- mingle with band during soundcheck

There are 7 spots available per show, meaning that if these sell out, the band will earn a cool $21,000. Do what you gotta do, I guess.


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anonymous 11/24/2017 8:08:31 PM

I'd rather pay $150 to carry sheetrock on my back.

anonymous 11/25/2017 9:10:41 AM

Calling all preteens.. Shouldnt they be paying the worker not vice versa?????? #brokeboys Lame twats need to go back to burger flippin. News flash your gay singers dead and your name is emo as f*kk bitches

anonymous 11/25/2017 9:18:43 AM

7 x 150 = $1,050 not "a cool $21,000" do what ya gotta do [math] you lambtards. Suicide pills are cool. Take those

anonymous 11/25/2017 9:34:55 AM

"7 x 150 = $1,050 not "a cool $21,000" do what ya gotta do [math] you lambtards. Suicide pills are cool. Take those" There's 20 dates on the tour dipshit. 1050 x 20 is....?

anonymous 11/25/2017 9:36:47 AM

^Yo idiot. 1050 x 21 tour dates= 21,500. Lucky this is anonymous so you don't need to think before you make yourself look like a clown.

anonymous 11/25/2017 10:08:49 AM

This is cute. Wonder how many of them will get beatd.

anonymous 11/25/2017 10:51:09 AM

I wonder if anyone bought these ...

Rick____tocchet 11/25/2017 12:27:17 PM

Who the fck would wear that shirt? Let alone pay $150 for this bullshit?

anonymous 11/25/2017 2:02:28 PM

Undercover agents... here's your chance.

anonymous 11/25/2017 2:37:50 PM

Lol Get the fck outta here

anonymous 11/25/2017 3:11:42 PM

I'd pay them $150 to stop playing music, indefinitely.

anonymous 11/25/2017 3:15:39 PM

This a bad idea. Honestly my firat thought was " okay 150 bucks and I can steal your shit and disappear.

anonymous 11/25/2017 4:51:04 PM

Because you're a horrible person. Congrats.

anonymous 11/25/2017 4:52:15 PM

Guarantee at least 3/5 members of American Me will gladly pay for this experience.

anonymous 11/25/2017 5:44:39 PM

What about child labor laws tho?

anonymous 11/26/2017 11:56:19 AM

^yo idiot gayg, thats because theyre homo tour will shut down after 7 shows based on sales and lack of roadies, but nice try defending your boyfriends you stupid f*kk. Who the f*kk takes timr to make a gay name on this horrible preteen wanna be metal site is a douche and a half. Lol guy can add now give me the correct change next time you take my order fry boy.

anonymous 11/26/2017 1:49:39 PM

add a extra 5 and eddie will send you nudes and try and fck you

anonymous 11/26/2017 2:33:14 PM

Yo this is ridiculous, but good for them if they can get away with it. N1ggas gotta get paid fam

anonymous 11/26/2017 6:08:14 PM

What if I get injured while working as roadie, are they liable? Maybe eddie can tee hee my butthole

anonymous 11/27/2017 4:25:28 AM

Eddie touched my pp

OrgCore 11/27/2017 8:59:56 AM

The other shirt says "You're half my age, little girl"

anonymous 11/27/2017 1:46:15 PM

you have to pay them to child beat you?

anonymous 11/27/2017 9:34:26 PM

I can't imagine their management signed off on this. It opens up the band to all sorts of legal exposure should the "roadie" get injured. The venues will most certainly view these people as employees of the band, not the venue. Bad idea in so many ways.

anonymous 11/27/2017 9:51:49 PM

i am 32 and i snagged one of these bundles

anonymous 11/29/2017 12:33:27 PM

Brb, dropping one of those Krank amps on my foot and claiming workmans comp. And they said hardcore wouldnt pay the bills.

Xander_Christ 1/29/2018 3:02:59 PM

Years ago, like 2006, I met these guys at the Hanes Mall in Winston Salem NC. Tried to talk metal but the only real metal band they knew of w2as cryptopsy, which everyone knew then. Surprised they haven't accepted their role as telemarketers,

medmaster 11/9/2018 7:31:57 AM

Whta the f??k 150 shit

wlinktech 2/6/2019 9:53:24 PM

awesome shirts i like this shirt and design.

solidfittings 2/7/2019 2:02:01 AM

please ask the price of shirts i am buy this

bzm 4/10/2019 9:28:52 AM

Oh how the mighty have fallen lol. In other news, Jon Huber's new slam project is sick af. x0