BlogSeptember 20, 2017 10:22 PM ET

Video: Slaves Frontman Jonny Craig Falls On Stage, Appears To Choke Fan

Jonny Craig choking fan 

There's never a dull moment in the world of Slaves vocalist Jonny Craig. Witness the video footage below, taken during the band's show in Detroit, MI this week. I have no freaking clue what is happening. 



Post Comment
anonymous 9/20/2017 7:34:45 PM

Drugs are fun.

anonymous 9/20/2017 7:51:34 PM

Afterwards the fan was heard muttering "choke me daddy".

anonymous 9/20/2017 7:52:38 PM

i would have knocked that bitches lights out the minute he put his hand on my throat. learn to hold your liquor brah

anonymous 9/20/2017 9:16:32 PM

It was hard to tell but I assume that was a Zao cover?

anonymous 9/20/2017 10:32:57 PM

Johnny Craig is a bologna faced bitch. He's an entitled fcking burn out. The dude doesn't deserve the gift of a voice he was born with. I saw him in Atlanta on 9/8 and he fcking is a piece of shit. Thankfully there for fcking awesome opening bands. Id have best his little bitch ass. He is like 5'2" and 125lbs. fck him and the single melody he sings. It's literally the same melody on every slaves song. Total cuck.

anonymous 9/21/2017 1:17:01 AM

Tha fck this guy think he is? Johnnor McCraigor? He'd be shittin' teeth about now.

anonymous 9/21/2017 3:12:06 AM

Damn he has aged a lot. Look at all those girls that showed up to see a faces of meth biography.

anonymous 9/21/2017 3:29:36 AM

^^^^ pretty funny

anonymous 9/21/2017 3:36:37 AM

I liked and supported him through a lot.. but choking a dude while wearing a pink beanie is where I draw the line. I refuse to enable him any more.

anonymous 9/21/2017 4:01:47 AM


anonymous 9/21/2017 5:37:29 AM

Still here waiting for my macbook

anonymous 9/21/2017 5:42:44 AM

Toured with this guy a year ago. He relapsed, I took the next flight home and made the tm pay me for the whole tour. Worst tour ever. puhdz

anonymous 9/21/2017 8:23:50 AM

I took this video. This was only a fraction of it. He performed half of the show wit his back turned to the audience. Was spitting and DROOLING on stage.. Kept stomping off stage. Also pretty sure the set was cut short. It was pathetic.

anonymous 9/21/2017 8:43:35 AM

Johnny is 1000% trash. Just living, breathing, human waste. Just wait, he'll take to social media about getting help, getting clean, getting back into music, just so he can go back to drugs. Just OD already.

anonymous 9/21/2017 11:07:30 AM

Y'all know that the dude he choked was his guitarist, right? Also, I've played that stage before, it's deceptively short.

anonymous 9/21/2017 11:11:48 AM

Toured with the little ginger bitch a few years ago, watched him shotgun 2 beers, run on stage and yell I'm 3 months sober.

anonymous 9/21/2017 12:33:14 PM

He won't throw hands though. - louie

anonymous 9/21/2017 12:57:57 PM

You're naive if you think that's his guitarist. It was a random local fan.

anonymous 9/21/2017 3:31:51 PM

A lot of edgy people in the comments today. What do you expect from him?

chicken_gang_bang 9/21/2017 4:40:46 PM

Good to see the blog is back

anonymous 9/21/2017 5:16:25 PM

You people need to get your facts straight. Jonny is sober and was sober for this show. But he was exhausted and hadn't slept in over 36 hours. Not the wisest decision but it is what it is. He was exhausted and nearly delirious. Second, that person that was choked had been hassling Jonny all night, calling him a gay over and over. It was annoying and everyone was glad Jonny took action.

anonymous 9/21/2017 7:07:53 PM

I just saw Johnny Craig clay a week ago and watched him numerously take shots over and over again with a girl I know. So he is sober my fcking ass. He needs to quit lying and just be the piece of shit that is

anonymous 9/21/2017 7:09:35 PM

I also witnessed him drooling all over himself and looking all strung out. Saying that he was exhausted as a fcking joke

anonymous 9/22/2017 3:01:53 AM

To a heroin addict alcohol doesn't count. Seriously

anonymous 9/22/2017 12:27:01 PM

"hadn't slept in over 36 hours" cool excuse bro.

anonymous 9/22/2017 6:25:35 PM

I saw them live in Buffalo, NY on 9/16 and he performed amazingly. Couldn't have had more than a mild buzz if anything. He did go to the bar within the venue after the performing tho. Didn't stick around to see how much he drank.

anonymous 9/22/2017 7:34:12 PM

Webby why isn't this in the main news section....does johnny Craig have to choke a bitch?

anonymous 9/22/2017 7:42:44 PM

He's more of a bitch than Jenny Craig

anonymous 9/24/2017 7:56:14 AM

he's never stopped drinking or even tried to for that matter, his main problem has always been heroin. he's even said before he wasn't going to stop drinking.

anonymous 9/30/2017 9:27:43 PM

remember in 2005 when you were going to update this shitty blog once a day? I hope this gay band and fans collectively OD and do the world a favor.

anonymous 10/13/2017 1:02:30 AM

Kept stomping off stage. Also pretty sure the set was cut short. m/

anonymous 10/26/2022 10:01:46 PM

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