Fear Factory frontman calls out Roadrunner Records
"I can't even imagine being a brand-new band starting off these days. I'm very fortunate in that respect. We have a resume, and we started when there was a music industry. It was right before the decline of the industry, we were there. They were still putting money in records, they were still putting money into videos, tours. We were right there before the end. And we saw that decline. We asked Roadrunner 'what's going on?''You're not selling any records.' 'That's not my fault, that's your fault.' 'How is that my fault?' 'You didn't put out the right record.' 'Did everybody not put out the right record?' It was so easy for the label to blame the artist, when it really was the label's fault. It was every label. I just say Roadrunner because that was what label we were on."
[thanks, ThePRP]
Post CommentI don't really understand the thrust of his arguement. Surely if he read the contract before he signed it he'd have realised he was getting a shitty deal. He can'tblame the label for his own stupidity. And is his gripe with Roadrunner or the music industry as a whole? Maybe if his band didn't suck he wouldn't be broke
Sounds like he needs new legal representation.
TL;DR I was too naive to read through my contract, therefore my lawyer is an jerk. I don't make any money unless I work hard This is Roadrunner's fault
Which terrible roadrunner band will cry about the music industry next? To be continued...
Hey Burton C. Bellend, your band stop being relevant about 20 years ago bra!
You spelled brah wrong you fcking sow. Apparently literature was so 20 years ago for you.
Another washed up homosexual, who blames everyone but himself on his career going to shit. FF and Machine Head should die in a massive van flip together.
I guess its kind of refreshing to hear an artist blame someone other than the fans for the decline in their career. ??