BlogJune 21, 2013 9:05 AM ET

Lamb of God singer Randy Blythe's trial "bankrupted the entire band"

Lamb of God bankrupted by trial

In a new, candid interview, Lamb of God drummer Chris Adler has revealed that the legal fees from singer Randy Blythe's manslaughter charges and subsequent trial cost the band more than half a million dollars, leaving them "bankrupted."

Adler told Rashod Ollison of The Virginian-Pilot that initially they thought the charges weren't serious. "We said, 'It's all going to be over tomorrow, right? So we'll be able to tour next week,'" Adler stated. "That was our mindset. We were just waiting for the green light to get back out on the road."

But as Blythe was indicted, jailed, and the months wore on, reality began to set in. Lamb of God was forced to cancel the promotional tour for their Resolution album, and legal fees were mounting.

"Not only were we not able to generate any income, but we ended up having to pay more than half a million dollars in legal fees," said Adler, speaking to Ollison via phone from a Wisconsin tour-stop. "It bankrupted the entire band, no money left for any kind of payroll or anything. When Randy was acquitted, everything was on the line at that point. Either it was completely over, or we had a chance to get back out there and pay these bills and get ourselves back on our feet."

Suddenly, Adler and his bandmates were left to find other sources of income. That's one of the reasons Adler played drums on the forthcoming album from Canadian metal band Protest the Hero, who frankly, were flush with cash following an amazingly successful crowdfunding campaign for said album.

Of course, Blythe has since been cleared of the charges, and Lamb of God is back on the road touring. But that's roughly $500,000 that they'll never get back, all because Blythe was unfairly charged. Ouch.

You can read the entire piece here.


Post Comment
anonymous 6/21/2013 6:34:48 AM


anonymous 6/21/2013 6:51:52 AM

i guess he wrote a "czech" his ass couldn't cash... am i right guys? *crickets chirping* ...damn!!!

john_doe 6/21/2013 6:53:03 AM

should've crowdsourced funds. everyone's doing it!

ineedmoresalt 6/21/2013 6:54:21 AM

now they've got something to pay for

anonymous 6/21/2013 6:54:45 AM


anonymous 6/21/2013 6:58:42 AM

he was fairly charged. Don't say he wasn't. we saw the video

anonymous 6/21/2013 7:20:06 AM

500K for the trial and the rest was spent removing that horrible birthmark on his back

brokenhero 6/21/2013 7:51:38 AM

ineedmoresalt posted 55 minutes ago now they've got something to pay for *golf clap*

MarginError 6/21/2013 8:33:28 AM

It's terrible that they are the only band playing metal with no money to their name.

bees 6/21/2013 9:10:46 AM

That's too bad; but since you're one of the biggest current metal bands, I don't think you're going to be broke for too long.

anonymous 6/21/2013 9:26:31 AM

All they had between them was around 500,000? Randy needs to quit drinking and the other bunch need to spend less on beard oil and straighteners

anonymous 6/21/2013 9:38:33 AM

All they had between them was around 500,000? Randy needs to quit drinking and the other bunch need to spend less on beard oil and straighteners Randy quit drinking years ago dumbass. Go back to your fcking Falling In Reverse album

anonymous 6/21/2013 9:39:54 AM

Maybe if they lowered the prices of their merch ($25 for shirts, 40+ for hoodies) and/or went back to touring in a van temporarily, they'd make up some cash.

anonymous 6/21/2013 10:18:19 AM


anonymous 6/21/2013 3:00:15 PM

"bandmates were left to find other sources of income" i thought this was going to lead to a tragic tale of burger flipping or guzzling c-m in an alley. no job ever = no care ever. guess who else doesn't have half a million dollars... me. sack up, you fcking pussies.

anonymous 6/21/2013 3:36:08 PM

Anon x2: sagea Nosek had no business being on stage. Blythe charges=unfair.

anonymous 6/21/2013 3:51:38 PM

what the fck is up with that pic of him with his tongue out?

RickRock 6/21/2013 10:54:32 PM

I have a tough time believing a Grammy-nominated band, regardless of genre, and with over ten years worth of successful albums and touring, had a tough time coughing up half a million dollars between the five of them. THIS IS MADNESS.

anonymous 6/23/2013 9:51:23 AM

^No kidding. Randy and Tim Lambesis are worth millions

anonymous 6/24/2013 11:28:01 AM

Some great jokes in here