AlbumsNovember 29, 20118,125 views

Mose Giganticus Gift Horse

Gift Horse
1. Last Resort 2. The Left Path 3. Demon Tusk 4. Days of Yore 5. The Great Deceiver 6. White Horse 7. The Seventh Seal
2010 Relapse Records
Our score 6


Mom always told me to not judge a book by its cover. So when I see a name that reminds me of Mastodon and a layout that reminds me of Remission, I try to chalk it up to coincidence. But just like on the SATs, first instincts are usually correct. Predictably, Mose Giganticus is trudging behind their behemoth brethren. The songs themselves on The Gift Horse are really good. Drop tuned chord progressions move like waves in a tar pit, heavy and thick. The vocals aren't the most memorable, but there have certainly been much worse attempts at midrange bellowing. And the few solos that are slipped in add a flourish to the prodding proceedings. What does raise an eyebrow on more than one occasion is the incessant use of keyboards throughout this album. From the opening notes of "Last Resort" to the symphonic strains of "The Days of Yore" the excursions into Midi-Metal are a head-scratcher. There is not one occasion where they add something good to a song. I can't imagine a scenario where a listener would be saying, "this big, organic riff really needs a square wave synth doubling it." Cuts like "Demon Tusk" take a very well-recorded and humongous sounding song and cheapen it with Casio samples from 1986. In fact, the crisp production actually works against this release. The Gift Horse sounds too clean, with drums and guitars spit-shined to perfection. The lack of down 'n dirty tone is unfortunately apparent, especially on "The Great Deceiver," a song that could be a real mean beast, but ends up sounding safe and slick by a recording that is too contrived and prettily packaged. The one song that actually benefits from the overproduction is album closer "The Seventh Seal," but this tune just sounds like some of Devin Townsend's non-Strapping stuff. Not that The Gift Horse doesn't have a few "key" attributes. Where Mastodon has gotten janglier with each recent release, Mose Giganticus keeps the primitive power chords ringing, which provide the soundscapes with a great deal of punch. This could be considered a positive aspect if you've become disillusioned with the superstars' progression, or perhaps it's just evidence that Mose Giganticus lacks the talent and dexterity of the upper-echelon headbangers. Bottom Line: Bandleader Matt Garfield is a good songwriter, but needs to kick the keys to the curb and develop an original identity for Mose Giganticus, instead of stealing the swagger of his contemporaries.


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gotknives_ 10/26/2010 3:00:05 PM

worst band.

Nick_ 10/26/2010 6:54:53 PM

Never use the word swagger... ever again.

redandblackink_ 10/27/2010 2:24:19 AM

If this is the caliber of writing that gets new reviewers hired to Lambgoat, I shudder to think of what was rejected.

daddydebbie_ 10/27/2010 3:21:59 AM

Who are you, as a reviewer, to claim they should "drop the keys" to be significant? And believe me, i've only heard one song, but that doesn't mean my opinion is right. And just because there is a horse on the cover doesn't make it similar to remission duuuuuude

arty_mcfarty_ 10/27/2010 5:29:20 AM

if you want to listen to music that sounds like mastodon and the melvins, why not just listen to those bands instead of a shitty third rate copy?

Jiddles_ 10/27/2010 9:49:22 AM

if you want to listen to music that sounds like mastodon and the melvins, why not just listen to those bands instead of a shitty third rate copy? if you want to listen to music that sounds like mastodon and the melvins, why not just listen to those bands instead of a shitty third rate copy? if you want to listen to music that sounds like mastodon and the melvins, why not just listen to those bands instead of a shitty third rate copy? if you want to listen to music that sounds like masto

anonymous 10/28/2010 9:21:40 AM

not the reviewer's best written review, but meh. i like the keys too pretty much the only thing they have going for them to seperate them from the pack

damone_ 10/29/2010 10:54:47 PM

keyboards are not metal. ever.

TREE580_ 11/7/2010 9:14:54 AM

I haven't heard this album but I just saw them play live and they're pretty awesome...keys work and they sound nothing like Mastodon to me. Review sucks.

anonymous 12/5/2010 11:42:33 AM

Awesome Cover, if you like Unicorns.