Post CommentGood review. Their best work, I think.
agorapocalypse is meh at best. it’s self-indulgent wankery by scott hull, and to me at least, it seems like richard johnson does about 90% of the vocals on the album. everyone keeps talking about j randall’s lyrics and the addition of kat, but richard johnson is the vocal work horse in this band. kat’s not fit to wipe the asses of the other three members of agoraphobic. she’s only in this band because she used to date JR back in the day. she used to brag about dating him to anyone who would list
she was in love with her art teacher and everyone at school knew it, and knew that he was preying on a little girl’s feelings and sheltered ideology. but since she’s a self-centered idealist, no amount of reality penetrates her bubble. she doesn’t take into consideration that she had the potential to wreck that married man’s home for her own selfishness, and she thought she was so cool playing the mistress to a man twice her age. kat is an idiot who passes off a lack of artistic talent and skill
The Great Satan = one of Katherine's harem of men
The only ANb album that ive actually listened to more than a few times.
It's their best work, but 9/10? Get the f*ck out of here.
Thegreatsatan's review is spot on but he forgot to put a numerical rating.
NOOO you broke the fourth wall!! *head explodes*
I really am baffled by the DRUG FREE message on the back of this album. Part of ANb's psychotic sound is built on hard drugs and free basing and they out that message on there?!?!?! I dont I felt kinda cheated.
After a few spins, this album really grew on me. Richard Johnston is vocalist in another band called Drugs of Faith. I got a demo of there new stuff the other day and it's f*cking awesome!!!
review comes out just in time for their next album!
with a 3 vocalists with a 3 vocalists with a 3 vocalists
thegreatsatan is a greatgay. katz' screams are nasty good.
Thegreatsatan is a f*cking gay. who cares about what the band members did before they made this cd. f*ck yourself
WTF. Who posted a comment as me? I'm tight with thegreatsatan, whoever the above is, it wasn't me.
who ever is thegreatsatan is real jealous..
Agorapocalypse is better than Phantom Limb. Truth.
That greatsatan cp was stolen from Metal Sucks. Still hilarious though. On topic...great album, better than "Phantom Limb" maybe...
the review makes me consider giving this a listen, despite having no f*cking interest anymore in grindcore or anything agoraphobic nosebleed related. good job, rob.
phantom limb is good. this is way better. good review. great (gonzo-groove grind) album. f*ck the haters.
I'm the real Alex G. Schwarzer, and I'm going to kick the living f*ck out all of you. Including, my namesake, Alex Arnold.
fell asleep at this bands show...f*ckin ridiculous
thegreatsatan wanted to f*ck and couldnt
its pretty shweet ive listeneddd to some of their shit before. but yeah like those otha folks said 9/10? cmon
Lulz at greatsatan's post. good shit right there, i laughed my ass off reading about the part about the art teacher. lambgoat needs more of this, epic win.
This Band sucks!! and you say deathcore bands suck. this is the wrose shit ever!!!
Still my favorite album. Katz added something amazing to agoraphobic nosebleed. I hope that they continue with this sound. Upon hearing their new EP Arc (1/3, each to focus on a specific member of the band) is focusing on Katz and taking a more doom metal approach, I was doubtful. But I trust AnB to pull it off.
spot on review. but.. holy f*cking late.