Post Commentperfect review. best cd of 08 i doubt anything will even be able to come close.
Didn't read review, but the score was close to if not perfectly deserving of the album.
yup. totally f*cking awesome. the second track is perhaps the most epically sad hardcore song ever written.
Good band, good record. f*cking pointlessly long winded review.
f*cking brilliant d-beat album
dick beat is sweet music Disqueer is a good band and Live The Sperm is f*ckin sweet
if you don't like D-beat, f*ck off. if you do, this is one of the absolute best albums of the genre.
I love d-beat, but I still happen to think this is a steaming pile of shit. Opinions vary. Get over it.
one-liner kiss off reviews from sniveling fanboy c*nts. try not to spill any mt. dew code red on your stuff-soaked keyboards or you might have trouble typing your four word negative review.
i love crust and d-beat, but this record doesn't do a whole lot for me.
over produced. I normally love kurt ballou's production but d-beat isn't supposed to sound so good. Check out their earlier shit. Everyday Slaughter is rad as shit
This gets a 9/10 and we get a 4/10??? come now brown cow.
his gets a 9/10 and we get a 4/10??? come now brown cow. posted by Genghis Tron IRL (gtron@gmail.com) on 2/23/2008 11:42:59 AM
Genghis Tron... Dood, you need to write better stuff. Disfear unleash hell when they write, you just unleash the keyboards and stylishly limp creativity. How dare you complain about a review you selfish little kid.
This and In Darkness You Feel No Regrets by Wolfbrigade are the two best D-Beat albums period.
Most likely because GT sucks, and Disfear are awesome. That explains the scoring discrepancy.
I want her to love me, but I know she will only ever want me as a friend. My heart bleeds the darkest blood.