Post CommentNick is by far the worst reviewer this site has ever had. He needs to kill himself.
This album is actually 10/10 as far as anything release after 2002 is concerned.
I cannot say enough bad things about this album. Mediocre in everyway that an album can be mediocre. In the past 6 years this band has dropped every quality that made them interesting in the first place. The result: pure, unlistenable shit. Save your money, but Antigama instead.
i also have been immensely disappointed with both this album and terrifyer. the true pig destroyer masterpiece is prowler in the yard, and anybody who doesn't hear that amazes me. also, there's a five minute (or so) track called hyperviolet that absolutely kills on prowler, which might be something for the reviewer to check out, eh? i respect this band, but i believe they have lost "the touch", so to speak. oh well...
listened once. this is easy-listening grind. and f*ck that Antigama cd. thats trash for the most part too. get the new Splitter and Inhume discs if you guys want good '07 grind which aside from those doesnt exist
This album is some quality music folks. f*ck the haters.
Yeah, I knew somebody was going to catch that. I meant to say "well-written" song over four minutes. I find that one on prowler to be boring as hell.
Prowler in the Yard trumps anything they have done or will do.
Absolutely no idea how anybody can hate on this album or this band. What the hell. This band can do no wrong, and frankly i was worried when i heard about this album because i thought there was no way it could even come close to Terrifyer. And it did.
Not the worst thing in the world, but indicative of Pig Destroyer's slide into ho-humness over the past few years. Terrifyer was hit and miss, Prowler In The Yard was solid, and their earlier material was aces. Never the best, but now just keeping pace with the pack.
super-catchy, memorable, songs are coherent, production is awesome. one of my favorites of the year. i could listen to this again and again. i say its their best album by far.
Prowler has the SHITTIEST snare drum sound that f*cking ruins the whole album. Both albums since completely own that shit.
Well I consider them to be my favorite band, but I was a bit disappointed. PITY was my favorite release by them, but at least PL doesn't completely suck. It's still pretty darn good.
thank you nick for providing lambgoat with not one, but TWO amazing and spot on reviews filled with actual content and not verbal masterbation
was never really into them, this album didnt change anything.
de krekels in dat laatste de nummer ... geweldig! lol
pig destroyer is going to change a lot of lives with this one.
easily one of the best albums of the year. I've been listening to this constantly
Girl in the slayer jacket= lyrical gold
HEATHEN TEMPLE f*ckING CROWNS SHIT Pig Destroyer is grindcore, the rest is bullshit
over-rated indie rock band, THE SHINS, have a song titled "Phantom Limb".
there's a reason this music is called grindcore and not just grind. if you want to try and drop shit on grind, drop it on napalm death.... yeah, thought not.
spot on review... whoever this guy is he is good, anyway... its no discordance axis but it will do... *furiously rushes to google to look up DA* you f*cking f*cktards
^^ no one is furiously looking up discordance axis because you dropped 'em, you gay
spot on review... whoever this guy is he is good, anyway... its no discordance axis but it will do... *furiously rushes to google to look up DA* you f*cking f*cktards posted by zz () on 7/16/2007 7:59:54 PM Eat shit. No one thinks you're cool because you know about Discordance Axis.
Holy f*ckin Syringe Death Thrash, Pg does it again and the haters can choke on thier own shit. This album is killer
yeah this shit rules.