Post Commentthis cd was a huge dissapointment and pretty shitty follow to out from a center. ive tried so hard to like this cd and it just sucks. one of the bigger let downs of the year
its funny because i have such a system now, i see a review and i see a shitty rating and i know IMMEDIATELY that its cory..........f*ck you
so this gets a 5 and hopesfall gets an 8? i think this needs to be addressed
couldnt agree with this review more. this album was a COMPLETE letdown. relapse has failed at finding their next neurosis here....
If this got a 5, MOTA's album deserved near the same. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
5!?? a f*cking 5? so reviews are basically just a joke now right? just to be clear. I get it. f*ck yoU everybody.
As soon as saw the score I immediately knew it was the worst reviewer in the world, Cory. If I ever met you in person I would spit in your face, c-ckgobbler.
instantly knew it was a cory review. this album deserves much higher than a 5. that alucard band even got a 5. lambgoat is a joke.
hardcore // metal // 6-month late reviews
here's my review of this review: I'm a gay, my name is cory, let me critique this awesome band, oh wait let me get this c-ck out of my ass cause I'm a gay.
i as well tried to like this band and just couldnt get behind it, it failed me so hard. also you are huge gay to even throw MotA in the same sentance as this shit band, while they are slower and not as ''exciting'' as aalot of doom out there they are a spiritual experience and rule the f*cking school. but 6 month late review is pretty weak and really pointless, how about you review albums that are about to come out or just came out... ok? sweet
Finally, someone tells it like it is. I've seen this band live twice, and they bore me to tears. So not good. They do have nice equipment, though! I'll give them that.
Even though this is a late review ..its dead on ...the band is just boring ....I dug some things they did but its just not enough for me to want to buy or support this band...
Ehh. I'd have given it a seven. Even the bands I really enjoy in this genre can sometimes be a struggle to listen through in their entirety. 60-70 minutes is a long time to spin one disc.
Meh, they kinda fail to hold my interest. The artwork, design, & presentation is great though, no doubt.
I usually don't agree with Cory, but I actually do regarding this disc. I love "Out of a Center..." but this cd is just boring.
Not as good as the previous album but I still enjoy the f*ck out of this album. Cory's just jealou cause the band doesn't have AIDS like he does and they refuse to be soiled by his POZ load.
I sorely disagree with this score and with people who think this album was disappointing.
Probably one of the first times I can remember that I have really agreed with a Cory review
people who say this album is boring shouldn't be listening to the genre. minsk does it very well. people who appreciate the genre probably will find this album far from boring
f*ck you gays. If you don't like my reviews go to pahardcore.com and YOU write reviews for them. I know more about music than 90 percent of you idiots on this web site. I went to college for music and have trained my ears in this field. You all know nothing; you all do know how to bitch and complain about my on-the-dot reviews. Get f*cked.
Cory reviewing Minsk is like Brooke Hogan reviewing Darkthrone.
"There's a wealth of conceptually interesting techniques and tidbits." God your stupid, Cory. Since it wasn't been adressed, I'm guessing you didn't know that Sanford Parker was in this band. Had you of known that, I'm sure this would have at least gotten a 7...because you're a pssy.
I don't agree with the review or score at all.
This cd at least deserves a 7, I'd give it an 8/10 personally, this is some great music. Came out the same time as Rwake which also was great.. Relapse puts out quality shit most of the time. it rules.
i can just imagine cory sitting at home "training his ears"
It's pretty sad when you see a good band and a low score and instantly know it's Cory. Do yourself and all of us a favor and quit, you bring nothing to the table with your shit reviews. I'd bet you'd give the new Pig Destroyer a 3/10 you retard !
Cory glanced at my dick once while we were standing next to eachother at some urinals. Gave it a 10. Go figure.
cory why dont you just review dudes c-cks for playgirl instead of records for lambgoat. you dont know shit about shit. ps. your butthole is bleeding.
f*ck you gays. If you don't like my reviews go to pahardcore.com and YOU write reviews for them. I know more about music than 90 percent of you idiots on this web site. I went to college for music and have trained my ears in this field. You all know nothing; you all do know how to bitch and complain about my on-the-dot reviews. Get f*cked. please tell me this was a joke? holy asswipe batman. cory, any gay who listens to slipknot could have written this review. you are so f*cking pretentio
so many people on this website are so damn stupid.. good review cory i agree with you 100 percent .. i fell asleep listening to this band.
"Rochelle, Rochelle"- The story of a young girl's strange, erotic journey from Milan to Minsk.
"I went to college for music and have trained my ears in this field." Yeah, and on all available evidence you failed every f*cken subject. Clean the c-m out of your ears.
Oh my!! I guess I've been more of a pig than I knew!! I've eaten hot asses with one or two of those warts!! Never occurred to me it was little more than normal hole usage!! lol!! Can you pick up anything orally from them?? Not like it's a problem, but would like to know!! Maybe I'll get even harder eating them in the future!! That would be difficult since I've blasted a load or 3 in my shorts eating a hot butt!! One ex-porno star got me worked up so much, I blew in it my jock before he could get
f*cking awesome disk. Should be album of the week! Review this shit.