Post Commentcosmos was great. i'm looking forward to this one as well.
Cool history lesson on keyboards, where's the review? P.S. this album pales in comparison to "Cosmos"
boooring. pretentious art gay shite.
I thought this came out months ago. Oh well, it's pretty lame compared to Cosmos.
I'm suprised Joel left out any comparisons to Goblin, since it is they who Zombi are trying to emulate. Good band though.
shit is boring as f*ck live, I dont think it could possibly sound good on disc. shit is whack yo
ok buddy.. so why did you give it a 7?? this should deserve better.. surface to air f*cking rocks and it's even better live.. there.. that's my pretentiousness for the day.
this cd is amazing. ive been listening to it for months
this album sucks huge dong compared to cosmos.
They sound more like Goblin rather than Rush man, check out Goblin that's the band that Dario Argento collaborated with to write tons of horror movie music with in Italy. This band even named Goblin as a mjaor inspiration too.
saw em live a couple of weeks ago in pdx. good musicians, but i can't shake the sentiment that it all sounds too much like manheim steamroller. overall pretty boring. don cab was way better.
no mention of Goblin?! these guys arent even half as talented as the bands they ripoff. get the buio omega ost instead
if you like instrumental music, Zombi is where its at. I dig many sci-fi movie soundtracks, i've heard they might be recreating some stuff from the 70's movie Saturn 3. (Harvey Keitel, Kirk Douglas, Farah Fawcet) It's a monster of a soundtrack, real good stuff.
This band/album rules. John carpenter Soundtrack meets Goblin.
I thought this album was great... A little repetitive at times but still. It's impressive that to contain their rock sound they don't even use a single guitar note during this entire album.
saw these guy`s with is isis in connecticut in 2006 it was epic.
i think the second half of the review is missing... but all in all, i thought cosmos was great, and this cd was just alright.