Post Commentbasically all I read was "uh, I don't like death metal, but, like, you know, this cd was pretty cool, if you like this stuff and all...yeah." oh yeah, and "fragrant snare?" HAHAHAHAH
basically all I read was "uh, I don't like death metal, but, like, you know, this cd was pretty cool, if you like this stuff and all...yeah." oh yeah, and "fragrant snare?" HAHAHAHAH posted by picturesofme () on 2/23/2006 9:04:59 AM you said it perfectly
f*ck this n00b reviewer...he ain't no Michael Gluck, that's for damn sure!
pretty good review. i would have given it an 8/10
didn't Gluck say that Max Dahamel wasn't the drummer anymore? SOMEONE'S WRONG! is it this dude or Gluck?
A duet with Kitty vocalist? wtf?! ....i'm sure the album is ok, but nothing to write home about. one word: "Sorcery".
yeah sorcery > all other kataklysm
Sorry, Duhamel IS back, it's Maurais who's gone unfortunately for the band's music. I got their names confused. French Canadians are interchangeable (well, almost).
this is the first album i've heard from Kataklysm..and i can already tell i'm going to enjoy seeing them in a couple months with Vader and The Absence..solid album..and i agree Crippled and Broken is the catchiest track..
yea get some real reviewers...you know...ones that like metal? this alblum was one of kataklysm's weakest.
So if you don't like DEATH METAl, that maeans you don't like ANY metal. Spare me. And why does everyone insist on reviewing the reviews. Holy shit is that annoying. Just talk about the music for christ sake.
where does it say that he doesn't like death metal? it says he doesnt like death metal vocals. learn to read you f*cking dumbass
Max Duhamel wasn't on Serenity In Fire you f*cking moron!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorcery & Temple Of Knowledge > all other Kataklysm
I enjoyed this more than I thought I would.
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