Post Commentah damnit, the one time i ever do first post i am beaten. oh well *gives it up for good*
a nice progression from Suspect Symmetry.
Cult of Luna? Nigga please. The "crushing drone" you're hearing in there is called f*cking NEUROSIS. How can you compare Buried Inside to Cult of Luna? They're just a Neurosis wannabe. Otherwise, I agree 100%.
Wow, the review really talks it up. I guess I'll be buying this one this weekend, or sooner if possible.
awesome record and a great review of it. Canada is really kicking our asses at coming out with great, intelligent music. I finally got to see these guys live last night with about 9 other people in the entire venue and i must say it was one of the best liveshows i've seen in a very long time. f*cking HUUUUGE.
Wtf mate, last year i wrote an essay about time and how it pretty much controls us/every thing we do is based on time and now these niggas stole my concept....i guess im not as smart as i thought i was
i enjoy and i am canadian. let there be be peace in the world.
recommends: Time and its Dicontents by john zerzan
i waited three years for this damn thing, and it went way above all the expectations i had. totally f*cking unbelievable. you absolutely must hear this album.
check out oneeyedgodprophecy or union of uranus if you liek this album.....oegp is even better, believe it or not
anyone have this and can send it to me on AIM? i wanna check it out before i blind buy, sn: Tony L Fowler, ill trade with you, i have a lot of everything...
this band amazes me every time i see them. buried inside is one of a very few reasons to why i like living in ontario.
i am glad things are going well for buried inside. it is about time because they have been kicking ass for years.
"The flow of this record is seemless, with some of the same riffs appearing on different tracks, which pulls this piece together even tigher." If highschools had "the hardcore club" I'd imagine they'd be alot like Lambgoat.
its a shame most everyone has never heard these guys before this album
recommends : Union Of Uranus, OneEyedGodProphecy & JONAH.
union of uranus is f*cking incredible.
usually i agree with most lambgoat albums of the week, especially ones that get 9 out of 10. but this review was shit. "pushes the envelope not often heard in the underground..." unless youve ever heard uranus or orchid. this band does EXACTLY THE SAME SHIT. the only band to really engage me with this kind of sound is union of uranus. i could lump buried inside with orchid as being a totally unoriginal rip off of that sound and boring to boot. its almost an insult to Mastodon in mentioning liken
Right. Union did it first in 1993 (demo) / 1994 (split with Immoral Squad) and then OneEyedGodProphecy in 96 (LP on Great American Steak). So Buried Inside is f*ckin' OldSchool canucks-core.
Get the UnionOfUranus complete CD you germs http://www.feralward.com/
i like buried inside, but this album is f*cking boring. it's about ten years out dated, and just plain done. sure the concept is great, and i the albums decent, but it's faaaaaaaaaaar from a 9. more like a 3 or 4.
this album is my favorite of the year so far. one has to listen to it from beginning to end, as individual tracks definitely do not provide the same effect as when listened to as a whole.
i hate these stupid ass little comments you reviewers make like "creeps up behind you and drops a brick in your lap" what the f*ck is that suppose to mean? it's sounds so gay, it's not cool. it doesn't give a better description of the music, it only makes your review sound gay as f*ck.
I purchased this album because of the sensational review. I would consider myself a patient listener that gives music the benefit of the doubt before I judge. I listened to the album straight through maybe 3-4 times and while I consider there to be a few shining moments, the CD as a whole is f*cking boring. Some of the melodies are so basic its ridiculous, also the scream is a constant bark with little dynamics. The concept and lyrics are intelligent, but the whole CD doesnt follow through.
i might have to buy this CD. ORCHID rocks!
i saw this band about a year ago in auburn new york at the salvo. one of the best bands i have ever seen. the gong and firey beat stick...amazing. check this album out everyone!
this band has been kicking ass for years another spectacular canadian band
amazing disk