Post Commenti read the second sentence and stopped. two problems with lambgoat reviews. poor taste and too many 8 ratings. its a scale of 1-10. why dont we see albums getting 1s and 5s. this album definitely deserves nothing more than a 5. yet its on the same level as something like hot cross that got a 9. i think the reviewers need to all have a certain criteria to base when giving a cd a number rating. let them spew out all their shitty opinions but lets have some consistency in the score atleast.
Sure this isn't Underooath - They're Only Chasing Safety?
f*ck that band, watered down emo/metal, sounds like atreyu...
This was one of the worst reviews lambgoat has offered.
i haven't heard this disc, but only read the review and heard friends say it's good. but i assure you every comment so far is retarded. okay here's an idea, read the review and either agree or disagree, if you can't form your own opinion w/real facts, don't reply, if you can, go crazy and reply. but most of you are just plain retarded and i'd personally block you from commenting because NOTHING you say is relevant to the disc or the review. "this sux" just doesn't work.
You just said that you shouldnt reply unless you have something to say about the album or the review. But a majority of your comment consisted of bitching towards people who use short replies geared towards making fun of the reviewer. You totally contradicted yourself you dumb sucker. This album is a piece of garbage.
I clicked the page and saw an 8 and immediately clicked the back button. Who the f*ck are the people reviewing this shit? You cant just let random hipster f*cks review on lambgoat. jesus.
ok, first off the fact that there were grammatical and spelling errors in the review, it was very mediocre and could have been a review for most any other metalcore releases anyway. Besides the fact that the reviewer seemed to know a little of It Dies Todays history. This CD is good, and from a longtime fan of IDT, that's saying a lot because it doesn't live up to my expectations whatsoever. 8's all around on the Lambgoat review board, I agree.. this definitely was only worth a 7 if not a 6, onl
P.S. The Radiance is by far the f*ckin worst song on this CD. Horrible song.
shitty band. shitty reviewer. One person's say isnt shittt especially after reading this. this band blows a c-ck and balls. good review, sike.
"with melodic vocals that would put even the drummer of Atreyu to shame" a person with down syndrome singing would put the drummer of atreyu to shame
The first song on this album is the best song I have ever heard. The breakdown lasts 20 years and its so offtime I cant even follow it. This album is a lot more singy than the last one, but its still pretty damn good.
yeah you're review sucked, idt doesnt sound like either band, i had a much longer comment but it wouldnt let me post...f*cking lambgoathellgay
Are you a dumb ass? The first breakdown on the CD isn't off time at all. Its a good breakdown, but seriously, I think someone who knows nothing about time signatures could figure that one out. I was very suprised to see this record got an 8. Its mediocre at best. ITD took a big step back from their Forever Scorned EP. I hate the singing on nearly ever track of this record. It all sounds the same. I was just expecting something better I guess. I'd give this CD a 5 at best.
Ok, IDT used to be good and they had plenty of potential but once they got signed they went down to the bottom. It is too bad since I couldn't wait to hear their follow up to their EP. Once I saw that they were signed to Trustshit I lost all hope. Too bad, the EP was awesome.
There is parts when they go off time during the first song, listen more carefully next time. This cd is so good.
the cd was alright...kinda boring at times...seemed like they were trying too hard to be heavy at times
"The first song on this album is the best song I have ever heard. The breakdown lasts 20 years and its so offtime I cant even follow it." YES. a decent album but they should stop trying to be famous. i liked it a whole lot less when i listened to the EP a few days later
reading this review was painful, i couldnt tell at times if he was joking or not...but sadly i guess he wasnt. oh well, very mediocre band, i cant believe it got an 8.
i haven't heard that cd but there from trustkill records so im sure there a pretty hardcore band
seriously, it seems like 90% of you lambgoat readers think youre tough just because you bash on well produced melodic metalcore albums... This album deserves it's rating, its a great cd and you just cant get around that... why dont you jerks stop reading these reviews and just listen to Champion, Terror, or whatever bullshit you can't seem to get over.
The fact that you kids bash this new album because the EP was great show that you're f*cking retarded. The EP was mediocre at best, every song had a f*cking generic ass breakdown. At least this album shows songwriting talent without trying to cater to the braindead mosh group. f*ck you guys. This isn't the best disc ever but it's not as bad as you claim it is.
f*ck all u stupid f*cks. this cd is f*ckin brutal, end of story. top 5 cd of the year
this is a horrible album and your reviewer should be shot.
this site sucks!!!!!!!!!!!idt is good pls..stopdissing!!!!possers!!better visit here in the philipines my band will show you what is the meaning of rock!!!all people that discriminating new bands emo or other genre all of you sucks!!!possers!!
stop dissing!!possers!!!the reviewer is a 100%posser..trying to in but this guy doesnt know what he's saying!!!suck!suck!suck!
And now, for an adult response: I was very surprised when I heard this record, it is most definitely a dramatic departure from their EP. However I don't feel this is necessarily a bad thing. The songs are insanely catchy and the sung vocals are pulled off rather well.
I don't care what any of you LG retards say, this is a good cd and I'm happy I picked it up.
Id probably have given this cd a 7 since its just above average... but the last song on here is freaking AMAZING. it pretty much saves the entire album.
This cd was so horrible!!! I wish I never bought it!!
Another west-coast metal band. Sloppy playing, terrible production, terrible breakdowns. But hey, they're on trustkill and the 14 year old kids like it....
ok. first, the band does put out about one or two good songs PER ALBUM like marigold and the radiance......im not saying those two because i like them persay, but the band sems to have a natural affinity to those softer sounds. The band can really go places with that kind of music....even though its a place i wouldnt want to go to
this cd is okay ... their old stuff is soo much better ..... man f*ck TRUSTKILL !!!!! .they always change bands for the worst... look at the new terror cd , or the new bleeding through cd .... ahhhh, this lable gots to go ....
great cd 9/10 bad ass metalcore and good rock shit theses guys have stripped down brutal metalcore sound that metalcore should sound like and then they have f*cking good melodic shit that is meaninig full theses guys r good 9/10, as u know they have a new cd out for a month or two will im typing this shit thi site should do sum f*cking updating its really f*cking boring they have no new shit.
Forever Scorned is way way way better. This one just has a funny song title from Zoolander, other than that-Garbage.
your putting this album up against the likes of Harvest? Give me a f*cking break
no gay just pee.