Post CommentVocals = SHIT Music = GREAT Get a switch-up on vocals with somebody that actually knows how to front a metal outfit and this could easily be a staple in my CD player.
good band, good review. if you dont like it, get back to the mall, pussies.
vocals arent bad at all...gutteralls are not easy and it fits this perfectly.. obviously you dont do vocals yourself dumbshit. this band is amazing.. enough said
The vocals are the only boring and repetitive on this: The only thing keeping this from getting a 10/10. If you advocate vocals like this for anything, I don't want you in my band.
if you like DEATH METAL then you won't mind the vocals at all. this is one of the greatest technical death metal albums ever.
i'm with jim here...i mean, it's a death metal album. the cookie monster vocals come with the territory. i think that if they tried to experiment with the vocals it could ruin the whole thing.
also, he does low guttural death vocals that are pronounced pretty clearly..this is one of the toughest vocal styles to do well, unlike high pitched shrieking, etc
i agree with the score but there is little to no mention of the complexity and seamlessness of the songwriting and the cleanness of the drumming or recording. this album deserves a more in depth review as it is a masterpiece
Technical death metal is awful. This album is the best awful album to be released in awhile, which isn't cool.
These pussies can't handle the gutteral. Brilliant cd.
an amazing record from an amazing band. if you like this also check out Beneath the Massacre, Sleep Terror, Hate Eternal, and Behold...The Arctopus! among others...
Tech Death is awful?? you must like boring shit like CC and Deicide.
When you listen to this album, you'll hear some typical death metal vocals but that's not what you're supposed to be listening to; this is a technical guitar band. An idiot should be able to tell you that the main guitarist is writing the material from start to finish. After considering these things you can't hide from the fact that this album features superior musicianship; it's executed FLAWLESSLY.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say that this review is absolute shit and Cory is a f*cking caveman.
this album slays, shreds and blasts it's way into death/grind metal legend. shame it's german.
BEAUTIFUL RECORD! NOT A DAMN THING WRONG WITH IT! ...and decent review as well.
this cd is super good. how can u say that tech death metal sucks. it takes more talent to play this stuff than almost any other type of music.
everyone is talking about how they don't like the vocals... well what you all probably don't know is that muhammed, their lead guitarist, is their vocalist as well. during those incredible riffs, he's playing guitar and doing vocals. i defy anyone who says they can do that as well as him.
this album has its moments, but definitly bored me after a while. they are definitly extremely talented musicians that can out-shred alot of bands out there, but i just don't hear alot of good songwriting here. if you want a tech death band that balances the two, check out spawn of possession.
first replu. this crap sucks